Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Homeschooling! I suppose "officially" we started Jamie's Kindergarten curriculum September 9th, the day after most public schools in the area started. After an afternoon at the park with the Home Learner's Association, we got down to business by learning five of the Dolch Sight Words. On day one I showed Jamie flashcards with the words I, LITTLE, THE, YOU and GO. Then, laid out in front of her were 26 squares with each letter of the alphabet on them. Jamie had to choose the letters that were in each of her sight words. She always chose the right letters and put them in the proper order. On day two I made fifteen flashcards (3 cards for each word) and taped them all around the house (on the fridge, the door frame, the oven, the windows, etc.) I wrote the first word on her chalkboard: LITTLE. She went in search for the flashcards that had the word LITTLE written on them. When she brought all three cards back she said the word out loud, wrote the word in her writing journal, and then went searching for the next word. On day three we played a memory game with the five sight words. As we've moved onto the next "unit" of sight words (me, help, a, can, jump) we've added these words to our memory game. We still play the word hunt game but only with the NEW five sight words. It's been soooo rewarding to watch her learn so quickly and to be so excited and motivated!

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Shabby background

From One Mess...

From One Mess... another another

Last Day of Pre-K

Last Day of Pre-K

First Day of Pre-K

First Day of Pre-K

"Like a Big Pizza Pie...."

"Like a Big Pizza Pie...."

Lemonade Stand

Lemonade Stand

Father's Day

Father's Day


June 8-???



Ice cream

Ice cream

Suggested Reading

  • Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
  • Homeschooling: The First Year by Linda Dobson
  • My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
  • The Baby Whisperer by Tracy Hogg
